This was a rebuild after a fire. We were under budget restrictions because insurance was not keeping up with the inflation of building materials. Right from the start, the clients request was that their new home be energy efficient and resilient to power outages. As a result of the above, the footprint of this home ended up being a bit smaller than expected. It gave us an opportunity to be more creative with space and focus on function. Design Resilience together with a Interior design professional, great ideas from the clients & Efficiency Manitoba, we created a beautiful two story home that is 34% more energy efficient then code built standard and remains functional and warm in a power outage.
services Provided
- Design
- Site plan
- Electrical plan
- Finishes plan
- 3D renderings
- Construction documents printed to scale
- Collaboration with Interior designer
- Participation with Efficiency Manitoba Program
- Collaborate with Mechanical Engineering for energy efficient, air tight home.
- Structural engineering approval
- Energy modelling

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